Help & FAQs

  1. How do I reset a forgotten password?

    If you have forgotten your password and are locked out of your account, you can reset your password by following the steps below.

    • Login into the AWARD Training Portal
    • Select Sign In on the top right
    • On the login page, select Forgot Password
    • Enter the email address you used to create your site
    • Click Submit
    • Check your email inbox for a password reset email with further instructions. If you do not see the email check in your Junk/Spam folder,.
  2. I'm having trouble accessing a course.

    Always sign into your account, then click on 'My Dashboard' at the top to access your courses. You can search for a course in the search window. If you have other difficulties, email us at [email protected] 

  3. How do I update my profile?
    Go to 'My Account," and you will be led to a page where you can update your information. As for the biography included for the whole participant group list, you will need to send your update to [email protected] 
  4. How do I Navigate within the Learning Community? Download the user Guide