Douglas Ouma

Organizational and Institutional Development Specialist, certified Environmental Impact Assessor, MBTI, Kirkpatrick Evaluation, Coach, and Mentor.

Ms. Titilope Fakoya

Gender and Social Development SpecialistMs. Titilope Fakoya Gender and Social Development Specialist

Siaka Coulibaly

Leadership Programme Facilitator

Siaka Coulibaly is a language, cross-culture and diversity training specialist. He worked for the Peace Corps in Burkina Faso, mainly involved in training and preparing volunteers and host communities to accept, live and work together despite their cultural differences, for several years. Prior to that, he was a secondary school teacher. Siaka has also worked for other organizations involved in training activities such as Trade (Training for Development) and CFALC (Centre de Formation pour Adultes en Langues et Culture) and ICRAF. Siaka hold a Master of Arts degree from University of Ouagadougou. He brings a wealth of experience to the TEAM in leadership, mentoring and diversity and Inclusion.

Nalla Mbaye

AWARD Trainer

Joyce Mataya

Leadership Programme Facilitator

Joyce has over 15 years’ experience as an organizational development practitioner, having worked with a range of community-based organizations, local and international NGOs, government and private institutions. She holds both a diploma and a BSc in Agriculture, from Bunda College, specializing in rural development and a certificate in Managing Non-Profit Marketing Organizations, from the Open University, UK. Her key competencies are organizational development, leadership training, government and board development training, and team building. Mataya brings to the A Team a solid foundation in facilitation skills, honed over years of conducting assignments across Africa and abroad.

Pamela Yoga-Yieke

Leadership Programme Facilitator

Pamela is training consultant with over 18 years of experience working with a wide range of clients including, corporations,government departments, and non-governmental organizations. Her key competencies include training, facilitation, coaching, evaluation, leadership training, and management consultancy. Yoga-Yieke has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, which has seen her offer sound planning, and management consultancy services over the years.

Benjamin Kamoye

Leadership Programme Facilitator

Benjamin is a certified lead coach, speaker and trainer at Bitesize Learning Limited, a leadership development consulting firm. He also serves as the Vice President for Communication at the Global Mentorship Network, an organization that mentors leaders who mentor leaders. He is an accomplished coach, trainer and speaker on leadership, mindset, effective communication and the science of reinvention. Benjamin holds an MSc in Governance from the International Leadership University. He is a Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team, a Certified MBTI Practitioner and a Certified Practitioner with The Leadership Circle Profile. He has trained over 300 leaders and brings to the ATEAM his passion to see leaders transition from accidental living to purposeful and meaningful lives.

Babette Pfander

Lead and Technical Facilitator

Babette Pfander, Switzerland, has a master’s degree in anthropology and public health. She lived and worked in Africa and Asia for almost 10 years, focusing on public health issues. Back in Switzerland her focus of work switched to knowledge management, intercultural communication, coaching and process consultations. Nowadays, she teaches Design Thinking at University, does job and personal coaching and in recent times, she has specialised in online training and facilitation.

Sylvie Tougouma

Leadership Programme Facilitator

Sylvie Tougouma est une agente de développement avec plus de 6 ans d’expérience dans l’accompagnement/ formation des adultes en « Bilan Valorisation des Acquis et Compétences ». Elle a occupé le poste de spécialiste de programme et de formation dans le cadre du projet développement économique communautaire au sein du Corps de le Paix américain au Burkina. Convaincue que le développement de tout pays passe par le renforcement des capacités des femmes et des jeunes, Sylvie en fait son cheval de batail à travers le réseau Young African Leadership Initiative, la campagne Africa4Her et son association féminine Avengers4Change. Elle a mené des activités de sensibilisation et/ou de formation sur les droits de l'homme, la formation de candidates et de conseillères municipales afin de renforcer leur participation à la vie politique. Titulaire d’une maitrise en Sciences juridiques de l’Université de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso elle travaille comme chargée de rapportage au sein du Programme Alimentaire Mondial.

Andrea Flück von Planta

Lead Technical Facilitator

Originally a Teacher, Lawyer and International Development Specialist I have worked almost ten years for the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), whereof 5 years in Latin America (Peru/Honduras). 2012 I became an independent consultant and I am specialized in mediation/coaching and am designing and delivering customized processes to facilitate organizational learning, knowledge management and capacity building in the context of development cooperation and social institutions. My working experience is mainly with the Swiss Government, NGOs, foundations and training institutions in Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.

Nancy White

Lead Technical Facilitator

Founder of Full Circle Associates, Nancy helps organizations connect through online and offline strategies. She is internationally recognized as an online interaction designer, facilitator and coach for distributed learning, teams and online communities. Nancy blogs at, teaches, presents and writes on online facilitation and interaction, social architecture and social media. She is co-author with Etienne Wenger and John Smith of “Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities.” (